Tuesday 17 August 2010

Day 26 - My Week, In Great Detail

I'll start at last week and work my way towards today. Assume that I also painted my nails each day!

Wednesday 11th August
I was on a camping holday in West Wales with my family and we went in search of a beach called Freshwater West to do some surfing. My dad was confident he knew how to get there but we'd been in the car almost 1 hour when I typed it into the sat-nav on my phone (Nokia ftw) the only result was Freshwater East so we headed there figuring it wouldn't be far from Freshwater West or we could at least find some pointers.
When we got to Freshwater East, we asked some people for directions to West but no-one seemed to know where it was - they had all heard of it but noone knew how to get there! At this point, I was convinced it was a mythical place.
We eventually got there. It was a beautiful beach, but parking was a nightmare and the walk to the beach was treacherous so we just headed back to our tents. Later, we heard from the people we were camping with, who'd made the trip down to the sea, that the waves were amazing and it was the best surf they'd seen all holiday. BUMMER!

This was my Dad's birthday so instead of the requisite fried camping food we had a chinese takeaway and cake for dessert :D
My mum, who was not with us on the trip, drove down to surprise him - I knew she was coming but managed to keep it a secret all day. Amazingly, she got there just as it was time to carry in the cake so I gave it to her to surprise Dad. After that we just chatted, played games then went to bed.

Thursday 12th August
I've written about this day in full here as part of the 30 Day Challenge. But in summary, it was the day I returned from the camping trip. We left the campsite about 2pm and got home at 5. In the evening, I mostly sat at the computer catching up on blogs and writing some of my own posts as well as doing my nails!

Friday 13th August
I was supposed to spend this day revising for an upcoming exam but I mostly lazed around doing not much at all. I was mostly tidying up and packing away everything from the camping trip. I think I popped to the Supermarket for some bits and bobs but that was about it.

Saturday 14th August
Not much toreport here, this was such a boring day. I did nothing other than revise all day for the exam.

Sunday 15th August
I was supposed to spend Sunday revising for my exam which I did for most of the day until I found out my auntie has a new Old English Sheepdog puppy called Bowie due to his different coloured eyes! So I went with the rest of my family to see him for a bit in the evening.
When I got home I stayed up reading for my exam until 2.30am.

Monday 16th August
This was the day of my resit exam for 'Principles of Business Managment' which I failed in January. I woke at 6am after 3.5 hours sleep and left the house about an hour later to drive to Cardiff, where I go to University. I read in the car until I went into my exam near 9.00.
After the 2 hour exam, my friend, and future roommate, Sam (as well) and I went to the shops just across the road. I bought some nail polishes - all bargains of course - to cheer myself up after the dreadful exam, and some sandals from primark that were reduced to £1 a pair. Such a bargain - I already had one pair and I love them - I should have bought more!!

I got back home at about 3.30 and had to blog about my new buys! I thought I would blog and watch Mad Men then go to bed, but I ended up staying at the computer until near 7pm when I had a quick nap before we had to go out for a meal. To celebrate my Dad's birthday, we went to Preview in Bristol - an all you can eat with all types of food! We ate a lot, as my little brother will show you...

Tuesday 17th August
Today I got up to go and see Toy Story 3 but that was postponed so I spent the morning blogging and watching Mad Men. The goodies from my nail swap arrived today so I spent some time playing with them too. We saw the 4.00 showing and it was sooo good! But if you haven't seen it yet, take tissues because I cried at the end! After that we got a McDonalds and came home where I am sitting writing this.

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