Wednesday 21 July 2010

Day 05 - My Favourite Quote

'We are the music makers,
And we are the dreamers of dreams'

:Arthur O'Shaughnessy

It's from the poem, Ode, written by O'Shaughnessy in 1874 and I'm not very expressive so it's hard to say what it means to me, but it's something like 'make the future' - if you can imagine it, it can happen.

The first time I heard it, I must have been about 8 years old, watching  Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (youtube). I don't remember it from that day, but it must have stuck when I've watched it since then.
True story: for years I couldn't watch past the boat scene because it was so horrifying.

Did anyone else find the boat scene in WW a bit extreme for a children's film?
Perhaps this is how it should have gone...


  1. I LOVE that movie so much! lol Yeah the tunnel scene never made much sense to me. It doesn't fit. But oh well, SOMEONE thought it was a good idea. :P haha Love "how it should have ended".

    And you posting this quote totally reminded me that I love it. I never realized it was a different person's quote though. Guess I should have since he's constantly quoting other people.

  2. Sarah, that video is brilliant!! No, it doesn't fit, it literally is just there to scare kids!!

    I never knew it was from O'Shaughnessy either until I researched it for this. I had an inkling it might be from someone else and I wanted to make sure before I posted it as a Willy Wonka quote!!

